E-News&Songs 9月例会報告 (2022)            9月リーダー/文責 村上剛康

The Japan Times Editorial Board Jul.22,2022の社説を題材に、9月8日オンラインにて9名の参加により英語学習と設問に対する意見交換を行いました。

Execution of Myanmar democracy activists reveals junta’s true colors

  • 国家による殺人、法、秩序を失ったミャンマー
  • 1500人を殺害、民主主義を踏みにじる
  • 117人の死刑宣告、迫る40人の処刑
  • 非道極まる処刑、国際社会からの非難
  • 日本政府は型通りの警告、ASEANは一歩踏み込む
  • 武力政権に制裁を
  • 日本政府は腰抜け対応をやめよ


① 自由でも民主でもないが、武力・強制力と一見効率的な独裁国(この場合ミャンマーは対象外)は大手を振り続けられるのか?


  • 著しい自己本位な考え方がミャンマーの悲惨な現状や我が国の民主主義の無様な様相を生み出している。
  • そういう姿勢を改めない限り、民主主義や後世に残すべき地球自体が死滅することになる。
  • 資本主義が経済格差を助長し、貧者の窮状が専制独裁国家を生じさせる。
  • ミャンマー問題は世界分断の一例に過ぎない。
  • ミャンマーの軍事政権は民主主義陣営、専制主義陣営間の新たな衝突の序章である。
  • ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻は両陣営の明らかな代理戦争である。
  • 日本は長引く陣営戦争に備えて民主主義陣営と強く連携し、政治的役割を果たすべきである。
  • 重要な施策は発展途上国の民主化ではなくその国の安全と独立の維持を図ることである。
  • 環境保全や地球規模の富の再配分がなされなければ、すべては始まらない。
  • ロシアは情報、国民、核兵器のコントロールに抜かりがなく、当面は倒壊の可能性は低い。
  • 第三国の介入による政治形態の変更は難しい。それは当事国が決めるべきものである。
  • いかなる場合も軍隊や暴力による国民の支配は許されない。
  • 日本としては経済、軍事、外交など、多方面に亘る国力の増強が必要となる。現行憲法の見直し、コロナ後の経済復興、現実的な戦争抑止力が要点であることを指摘したい。
  • 政府はG7諸国と協調し的確に制裁を発動すべきで、実行が伴わなければならない。
  • 米国は民主主義のリーダーの地位を失い、民主、独裁政権共に国家主義化、軍事主義化する。
  • 民主国家は問題解決のために自国の制度の中で衆知を利用できるので、専制国家に勝る。
  • 国家間の緊張は世界大戦を招きもするが、地球環境の壊滅により戦争放棄ともなり得る。

About a year ago we discussed a coup d’état in Myanmar at ENS. The outlook was unclear then and difficult to foresee any early end. In an actuality it has been getting worse since then. Now it looks quite dark in its future. And seeing causalities of protesting people there has seemed everlasting. For the time being no effective measures have found for an instant halt of atrocities by the military junta. All those who protested have been excruciated.

Whereas in Japan before and during world warⅡ the militarism shattered out the democracy and eventually brought about catastrophic results. Nonetheless, because of that we were bestowed the liberal democracy by the foreign other countries. But such our liberal democracy has become shaky lately. When we look at the U.S., our superior, there is every reason to believe that democracy is at crisis now.

① Though neither being liberal nor democratic, is it possible for the autocracy with its military force, coercion and seeming effectiveness to keep on swaggering in the future?

② With near evaporation of advantages of democracy, and suffering from social division, inequality, super-individualism, money-first mentality, disinformation, indifference etc., is democracy ever sustainable?

Some of the opinions presented follow below.

  • Excessive egotism has brought about the wretched situation of today’s Myanmar and also the pathetic situation of our nation’s domestic politics.
  • Unless that egotism is rejected, both democracy and the earth itself to be carried on the coming generations will perish.
  • Capitalism deepens economic disparity, and dire straits of the poor breeds autocracy.
  • Myanmar issue is nothing but a part of the division of the world.
  • The Russian war invading Ukraine is a perfect proxy war between the democratic countries and the autocratic ones.
  • Given that lasting conflict, it is necessary for Japan to associate with the other allied nations and play an important political role.
  • What counts is not to democratize developing counties but to try to maintain their safety and independence.
  • Without preservation of the earth and global redistribution of wealth, nothing will proceed.
  • Russia is so proficient in controlling information, dealing with its people and menacing with nukes that its demise seems to be a remote possibility.
  • Intervention by the third countries to replace an existing political system is hard to realize.
  • Under any circumstance we must not allow any military or violence to reign over people.
  • Japan needs to improve its national power by enhancing economic, military and diplomatic abilities. In this connection revision of the Constitution, economic resurrection from COVID-19, and a realistic war deterrence are worth noting.
  • Japan should keep step with other G-7 countries, and be active and consistent with its words.
  • Sooner or later U.S. will lose a role of leader of democracy. And both democratic and autocratic countries will inevitably become more nationalistic and militaristic.
  • The democratic country will outlast the autocratic country. Because the democratic country can utilize its peoples’ diverse wisdom thanks to its openness.
  • Strains among nations may lead to a world war. But, to the contrary those may end in renunciation of war due to catastrophic climate change and irretrievable devastation of the earth in its wake.