E-News & Songs 5月度デイスカッションのあらまし           佐藤一雄

Erdgan’s referendum win is Turkey’s loss (The Japan Times Editorial)


トルコのエルドアン大統領は政治制度を転換する事になる国民投票を僅差で勝利した。しかし報道によれば不正操作された投票結果に対する反対派の怒りの爆発で国内の社会的緊張が一層高まっている。エルドアンは内閣の指名と解散権及び裁判官と検察官の採用と罷免権を独占するべく画策している。一方、長年トルコに対して不安感を抱いてきた西側特にEUのエルドアン政権に対する批判をエルドアンは楽観視している。昨夏のクーデター失敗後発令された国家非常事態宣言は解除されておらずメデイアの規制と野党政治家達の拘束が続いている。反対派であるクルド人の不穏な動き、利権を狙うロシアの動きにも目が離せない。2020年オリンピック・パラリンピック開催国審査で日本に敗れた親日国トルコのエルドアン大統領が独裁者になってしまわないよう、そして独仏を中心とするE.U. 及び国際連合そして日本等友好国の勧告に真摯に耳を傾けて民主国家に立ち戻る事を願うばかりである。

Turkish President Erdogan prevailed in a referendum by a narrow margin that will transform his country’s political system. According to the news release, social tensions in Turkey is more likely increase due to the ballot results rigged against opponents and their anger as well. Erdogan has plotted to allow him to appoint or resolve a Cabinet, and hire and fire all judges and prosecutors. While, Erdogan takes an optimistic view of censure by Western countries-particularly European Union who have conceived uneasiness to Turkey for years. The state of emergency declared after the failure of coup de’tat staged last year has not been lifted yet and restraints on media and politicians of the opposition parties by the Erdogan regime have continued. We can’t take our eyes off disturbing drift of Kurdish people, the movement of Russia likely aiming at vested interests surrounding Turkey.  Let’s just hope that President Erdogan of Republic of Turkey -a pro-Japan state who was however defeated by Japan in the board of review conference on election of the host country for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020 wouldn’t transform himself to an absolute ruler but stay as a democratic leader who listens to suggestions from E.U. centered on Germany and France as well as Japan in the Far East and other friendly powers and the country reverts to a peaceful nation as before.

Japan and the ability to strike enemy bases


政府と議会そして国民が憲法改正の議論を進める中、三月末与党自由民主党の安全保障問題研究調査委員会は日本が仮想敵国のミサイル基地を攻撃する能力の開発を考察する提案書を安倍晋三首相に提出した。敵の基地を叩く能力を持つためにはハードウエア, ソフトウエア両面の先端的軍備の増強及び大幅な国家予算が必須条件である。一方、実行すれば敵対国に報復攻撃の口実をあたえる事になり核ミサイルの先制攻撃を受ける可能性も出てくる。しかし一方、平和的な話し合いや国連を介しての解決策も現実性が薄い現状下では日米安保条約に依存すると言う事になるのであろうが独立国家として全て米国頼みで済まされる時代は過ぎ去りつつあるようにも見える。私達現代の日本人が真剣に考え具体的方向性を出すべき時期にさしかかっているのではなかろうか。防衛3原則、国と国民を守る先端装備と自衛力、国と国民を守る高度な経済力と文化の力そして効果的防衛及び攻撃能力を保有しいることを世界にアピールしておく情報システムが本来の抑止力なのかも知れない。世界がユートピアに変貌するまでには未だほど遠いのだから。


Amid an ongoing open debate on amendment to the Constitution of Japan among the Cabinet, lawmakers and the nation, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s research commission on security issues in late March handed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a proposal that Japan consider developing the ability to strike enemy missile bases. In an effort of obtaining such capabilities to strike enemy bases, buildup of advanced armaments of both hardware and software as well as major spending of the National Budget are indispensable prerequisite. On the other hand, should we prepare such pre-emption capabilities, it would provide an excuse to potential enemies to maneuver retaliatory attack against us and even set of their first strike with nuclear weapons. However, under the possible low factuality on peace talks between the parties or panaceas through the intervention by United Nations, we may have to depend solely on the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. But as an independent country, the eras of such continued reliance entirely on support from United States to resolve international disputes are likely passing away. We now might be in the critical stage to work out a specific directional all by ourselves. Three principles of Self-Defense i.e. advanced defense equipment and force, advanced economic and cultural power and effective diplomatic power with political handout system to let the world recognize Japan have real performance of self-defense and even pre-emptive capabilities might be the most effective deterrence as far as an advent of Utopia on the Globe has still a long way to go.

(Written by Peter K. Satow, 18th May, 2017)    

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