英会話と歌 2015年5月14日 例会報告
戦没者の霊を弔われたこと、また、戦争体験が正確に将来世代へ引き継がれていくことの大切さを繰り返し訴えられたことを、詳しく報じるJapan Times の記事を音読した。
記事の印象的な個所は、陛下が「1931年の満州事変に始まった戦争であった」、また、「我々が、歴史を勉強 (study)し、しっかりと自分のものとして身に付ける(learn) ことが大切だと思います」と、ご発言をされていることである。中国などの海外諸国に対して、自責の念 (remorse)、悔悛の情(repentance) を抱くという言葉を発するだけでなく、日本人には、昭和史を学ぶように取り組むことが、先決である・・・と政治社会に向けて、内々に、
We read aloud an article in the Japan Times on the Emperor’s visit made to Palau for consoling the souls of the war dead, on the 70th year from the end of World War II. The article reported remarks that the Emperor repeatedly made about his desire that the experiences of war be correctly handed down to future generations so that Japan will not repeat its mistake of treading the path to war. The remark which impresses us most is: “I think it is most important for us to take this opportunity to study and learn from the history of this war, starting with the Manchurian Incident in 1931.” It appears that the Emperor’s true intention is to suggest that we now have to officially study the Showa history which we did not seriously learn in school ages, rather than just putting the regret for the past deeds into such words like “remorse” or “repentance” as expressed recently by the prime minister in the international arena.
We then read an article describing the tragedy taking place in the Mediterranean Sea, with the desperate people fleeing violence and chaos in Africa and Middle East. The article describes the background of traffickers and the number of victims. As we did not find much to discuss with regard to the content, we took this opportunity to review how we should properly read aloud English sentences, particularly if they are long and made up of several clauses. We also studied a grammatical rule for colons and semicolons. Katsuyuki Minamii
「e-News & Songs 」 June 11, 2015
Japan Times 5/29付けEditorial “ The risks of medical deregulation “ (医療費保険制度規制撤廃)を段落ごとに音読しいつものように慣れない単語や熟語を話し合い学習した。
余暇時間に「Tensions rising in South China Sea」(南シナ海で進む緊張)を音読、議論した。1947年に当時の中国が自国から南シナ海周辺にかけて地図上で線引きした南支那海九段線(U-字ラインとも呼ぶ)に遡って当海域の歴史の外貌が勉強できた。(出席者7名:夕食会ではフェスタ出品展示品の準備等楽しい話が弾んだ。) 佐藤
(e-News & Songs) 11 June, 2015
We started to read aloud “ The risks of medical deregulation “ –an editorial of Japan Times dated 29th May, 2015. We discussed unfamiliar words and idioms appeared in each paragraph lump as usual. We could see the picture that unapproved Drugs and Medical Technologies which are currently regulated by Health Labor and Welfare Ministry may be deregulated soon provided that they could be considered safe and effective proven as the results of repeated clinical trials to be or being implemented in accordance with requirements from both patients and advanced medical institutions who have adequate facilities. Thus the situation seems to open doors for bright future for the needs of sufferers and medical setting.
Making use of spare time, we read aloud another editorial titled “ Tensions rising in South China Sea” dated 18th May, 2015. We could learn about brief overview of South China Sea extending back to “ Nine(9) dotted ( segmented )line “ declared by “Red China” in Dec.,1947 and subsequent history of PRC. ( Participants : Seven(7) members then enjoyed supper talking about their preparation of posters, flyers and etc. for the coming KG Summer FESTA, 2015, etc.) P.K. Satow –Leader of the month
英会話と歌 7月例会報告
7月9日(木) 東京ランバスホール 5:00~9:00
今月のEditorial More instability for temp workers?
Guarding against MERS
- More instability for temp workers?
今回の労働者派遣法の大きな改正点は、これまでの日本型の雇用システムとして新卒一括採用から定年まで継続雇用する考え方を、もはや踏襲しないのではないかと思っています。 日本の派遣法は1985年に業務限定という他国では例を見ない専門26業務(通訳やSEなど)に限定して始まりました。 その後1995年に改正があり、専門業務以外の自由化業務については期間制限を設け、当初は1年、2003年からは3年になりました。
私たちは本当に派遣労働者のためになる改正案かどうかを論議しましたが、結論には至りませんでした。 働き方の多様化に即しているのか、ビジネスの中でどのように運用されるのか、評価には少し時間が必要かもしれません。
2.Guarding against MERS
The health ministry advises people who suspect they may have contracted MERS to
refrain from going directly to hospitals and instead call a public health center and follow its instructions.
Medical institutions who treat MERS patients should take sufficient precautionary measures to ensure against the spread of infection inside their facilities.
次回予定 9月10日 Oldies (英語でカラオケ) 2:50 サピアタワー1階 集合
例会 5:00~7:00 東京支部ランバスホール
楽しみ会食 7:00~ 凛や